Saturday, February 26, 2011

Me? A blogger?!

First post. Well, here goes! At the prompting of a friend, I will try my hand at blogging! Please have patience with me as I start this new adventure. This past year I have gone through treatment for stage 4 breast cancer. WOW!!! That was the LAST thing I thought would ever happen to me. I mean, really, my life has been so easy and perfect really, a few little snags here and there, but for the most part life was just merrily going along. Then, one day, my world spun out of control. Its amazing, how those 3 little words can change things in an instant. And Im not talking about "I love you". Although those words can rock your world also!! I'm talking about the words "you have cancer". At first, it was like I didn't have any reaction. I was trying to process that, and also trying to pay attention to what the dr was telling me he was going to do next. A biospy, you will feel a little prick, lymph node, late stage, please turn around here, raise your arm, is that ok?, do you have a surgeon in mind, yes you need to go to your liver ultrasound tomorrow, keep ice on this, are you alone? can we call someone.........all these words whirling around me while at the same time my mind was in stunned silence. I struggle to remember who I was before hearing those 3 words. What did I think about then? What did I do with all my time? How did I feel about my friends? The Sunday after I found out, I was sitting in Gospel Meeting, I opened my bible and it fell to Proverbs 17:22.  "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones." That became my favorite verse! This was telling me to be positive! Be happy and you will get through this!!! I was determined at that moment that I would try my best to remain upbeat and positive and that would help me to heal. Laughter is the best medicine, I have always heard that statement. Now I believe it. Through this blog I hope I can help anyone else that is going through a similar experience stay positive!! No negativity will be tolerated on this blog! We can all learn to be positive no matter what our lot is. Through each trial we go through God wants to teach us something. I have learned so much. I'm thankful that He has given me more time to put to use those things I have learned. Stay tuned!


  1. Great introductory post, Kendra - way to go!! Keep 'em coming! Love you.

  2. Great idea, Kendra! This is like journaling, only letting others benefit from the awesome person that you are! Sharing your positive attitude and love for God--way to witness! Think of how many hearts you will touch~ So proud of you, girl!

  3. Kendra you are a great motivator to everyone!! Your wonderful spirit, sweet smile is an encouragment to all of us in our struggle of life. Keep us the great work. We love you!! A. Velma

  4. This is great Kendra! Hope it helps others and you at the same time!

    Love, Aunt Sue

  5. This is a new goal for me after reading your thoughts and your plans, Kendra. I thank you. Yes, you are hearing me, you are with our Creator, ever so close now, there and not hurting. So happy to have met you at Conv. in 2011.. Larna
